Inspiring Sessions, Expert Tips & Real Client Experiences
Oahu Ocean Maternity Adventures
Weather reports across the Hawaiian Islands were going bonkers. Tropical Storms or Hurricanes? How many are to the North and South? Will they miss us? A North-Shore Oahu Maternity photography session adventure for the books!
Weather reports across the Hawaiian Islands were going bonkers. Tropical Storms or Hurricanes? How many are to the North and South? Will they miss us? Luckily they both did, and simultaneously (phew)! But not without gifting us with some turbulent, milky waters, and lots of cloudy skies and rain showers.
Insert Vivian & Louis. 30 weeks pregnant and as adorable as ever…vacationing on Oahu. They found my underwater Maui maternity photos so breathtaking, that they just had to fly me over to Oahu to capture these once-in-a-lifetime photos…so off I went!
I swear, my full-time job isn’t being a Photographer - it’s being a Weathergal! The amount of time I spend checking the weather, analyzing ocean conditions, wind & sun direction, is just bananas! It’s part of my job, and my life as a surfer. But when it comes to working around Mother Nature for scheduled maternity photo sessions? I should seriously start my own reporting station! (Past clients…you know this and thank you all for sticking through the “storms” that may or may not have happened. You all rock!).
Shoot time: Sunrise.
Forecast: Ocean conditions: Murky all over the island, NSEW. Currents: Even more bananas. Swell: 5-7 ft faces. Weather: 60% chance of rain.
Actual Session Conditions: Ocean: Murky & 2-5 ft. Currents: Still bananas. Weather: 0% chance of rain.
So what did we do? Shot at my favorite North Shore Oahu location for the land portion, then travelled 10 minutes to another location for calmer waters & stunning backdrops. The result?
Mahalo Vivian & Louis - you two were beyond “great” xo
Her First Family Photos | Wailea, HI
When they contacted me just days before arriving for a last minute Maui family vacation trip, I was so excited to meet their new little bundle of joy, so I made the time to sneak them into my schedule.
Just a year prior, I had the joy of capturing Erin & Jeff during their Maui Maternity Photo session when they were pregnant with baby Ella & enjoying their Maui vacation and baby moon. So when they contacted me just days before arriving for a last minute Maui family vacation trip (and Ella’s first!), I was SO excited to meet Ella, so I made the time to sneak them into my schedule.
And I’m so glad I did! Talk about a cutie patootie! Erin decided to wear the same outfit she wore while pregnant with Ella so we could coordinate some before/after shots with baby Ella! And you know what Erin also did? She coordinated Ella’s outfit to match hers…and to this day, it’s hand’s down my favorite outfit EVER on a little one!
Side note: If anyone can find this skirt in an adult size, please please PLEASE let me know! I’m obsessed ;-)
After much love, coordination, pom poms, and smiles, baby Ellas first photoshoot (technically 2nd) was a success! See for your self (and seriously…that skirt…) <3
Getting Grounded with Maui’s Miss Valley Isle 2020
Some time with Lindsay Takekawa, Miss Valley Isle 2020. On land & in the sea, under the sun, on Maui, Hawaii.
Meet Lindsay Takekawa, your Miss Valley Isle 2020.
She’s tough. She’s fierce. She’s ambitious & bright and her own light under the sun. Did I mention she’s one of the best long boarders I know? And in case you were wondering…she’s a total sweetheart.
But it doesn’t stop there…
She’s Grounded, too.
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing & surfing with Lindsay for almost 3 years now, but it honestly, feels like forever. She has this presence about her that makes you feel like you’ve known her for a lifetime…even a past lifetime. She’s THAT personable and SO positive. She’ll make you exude rainbows out your ears if you’re open to it ;-) What I’m trying to say is - she’s beautiful inside and out, and she’s definitely in a class of her own.
So we chatted, we surfed, and we got creative and combined forces. Her soul of gold mixed with my camera. And the results are just gorgeous. But I had no doubts…
Some time with Lindsay Takekawa, Miss Valley Isle 2020. On land & in the sea, under the sun, on Maui. And don’t worry, this isn’t her real crown - it’s way too precious to go in salt water…
Follow Lindsay on Instagram @alohaimlindsay
Gorgeous bangles & jewelry provided by Jasmine Honey Designs <3