Aloha, I’m Amanda!
I’m an easy-going East Coast gal with a love for photography that started over 30 years ago when the birthday fairy gifted me my first camera. It’s more than a passion—it’s my love language.
I’m quiet and friendly, and kids love how I get on their level and talk about all sorts of silly things. I see art in every moment, moving through life with a touch of New England humor. With an appreciation for fine arts and a background in painting, I provide my clients a similar aesthetic that mirrors this richness; embracing texture, soft natural light, and thoughtfully curated color palettes...
As a proud mom to an amazing little boy, he’s my world and the reason I do what I do. Parenthood has taught me to cherish the small, often overlooked moments—the unprompted cheek kisses, the spontaneous laughter—because those are the moments that really matter. My goal is to capture images that make you FEEL something, not just see it.
“Amanda was raised around water…
in Florida, no less - and her love of the sea shows up repeatedly in her work. If you're craving something a bit different for your romance or maternity shoot, Amanda often photographs under and in the water for an extra “Wow” factor. Her images are romantic yet timeless, heightened by the weightlessness of clothing and bodies in water. Based on the pure joy radiating throughout her portfolio, it's fair to say her subjects feel very comfortable - and beautiful - in front of her lens. Her photography is a refection of her driving passion, resulting in stunning work you need to see for yourself."
Animals are my happy place. I indulge in unhealthy amounts of K-drama. I’m a wannabe vegan. My feet are always cold. I’m obsessed with caffé breves. I love arts + crafts time - all the time. I played Division 1 College Lacrosse. Sparkles Sparkles Sparkles! I heart chocolate covered sunflower seeds. I drink hot beverages in hot weather. All my toes are the same length. My parallel parking skills are on point (thanks NYC!). I’m a proud computer + technical nerd to the very core. White cheddar popcorn is my downfall. I have a wide range of taste in music. I’m in water more than I’m on land. Chess is my favorite board game. I still take a nap every.darn.day.
You're fun, I'm fun...LET'S DO THIS!

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